How DropX works with Android Apps

It's so simple that it's hard to explain


Easy Sign-Up

It just takes 1 Min to join DropX. Fill up the registration form by entering mandatory and other essential details to get started with DropX. Soon after the registration, an activation mail will be sent for verification where you'll have to click on 'Activate Account' to verify yourself.



Add Property

Post successful verification, you’ll be redirected to Developer's Panel where you need to select your Property Type viz. Android App and add App Name & associated Play Store URL. Following to this, DropX code will be generated to add powers to your Mobile App.



Integrate Code Blocks

Now that you have your code blocks, all you have to do here is follow simple steps and make changes in Mobile App file. This Drops our X factor into your Mobile Apps. Go on and sync the updated file onto the Play Store. We're sure you already know how coding goes down! You’ll be all set after Integration.



User visits a Merchant App or WAP

Once Mobile App gets integrated with DropX and active on user's device, they’ll be able to view Smart Bubble powered by DropX suggestions. Whenever a user open our associated Merchant App/Mobile Website, then only DropX's Smart Bubble will be shown. Get ready to be amazed



Smart Bubble shows up

When User clicks on the Smart Bubble, then various Price Saving options in form of Deals, Coupons and Price Drops will be suggested. This helps user to choose the best option and save money on the product. Woo Hoo



User avails suggested Offer

After calibrating on various price saving options, user will activate the Discount either through clicking on “Activate Deal” or copying the “Coupon Code” or clicking on our associated “Merchant Store” offering the least price for the desired product.



User makes a Transaction

Because our goal is to enhance your user's experience, the recommendations suggested by our Smart Bubble are the most relevant ones which leads to final purchase. Once the purchase is successful, you should give yourself a pat on the back. You just made your user happy and made money while doing it. No better feeling that doing a good deed and getting paid for it at the same time



Track your Performance

Sometimes things work out just fine, at DropX it's almost always. Once the user makes the purchase the money is reflected onto your Developer's panel, but hey there can be some traffic on the way so give it a couple of hours to show up there.
